about me...

Maxim Luca Bortnowski is a professional photographer and filmmaker based in Toronto, Canada. He is a graduate from the Toronto Metropolitan University’s  (formerly Ryerson) School of Performance Production Program where he completed his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Performance Production, with minors in Marketing and Criminology.

In school he explored many aspects of technical theatre from lighting to marketing, concentrating his efforts on portrait, theatre, and dance photography, approaching the medium from a theatre production perspective.

At the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, unable to take photos indoors in close proximity, he focused his attention on filmmaking, capturing dance on video outside, where social distancing was easier and mask wearing was not required. This global crisis has unexpectedly allowed him to deepen his domains of artistic exploration and pushed him to transform this painful period for all of us into a new way of expressing ideas through movement.

Recent works include a premiere of his short film ANTHROPOD (choreographed by Liam Woodvine & Cailin Teranishi) at Screen:Moves 2022 as well as M  (choreographed by Melanie Old) at DanceWeekend2021

He also recently had his photography showcased at Frog in Hand’s “Full Body Photography Exhibit”.

Maxim was also nominated for a Dora Mavor Moore Award for his Projection Design work on VideoCabaret’s latest remounting of Michael Hollingsworth’s The Cold War.